About Humphrey

Former Financial Advisor (Series 7, 66), Previously worked in Gaming. Explainers, Personal Finance, Reviews & More.

Humphrey Yang is a creator & entrepreneur who has been making content since 2019. Previously being a financial advisor and working in tech, he always loves answering personal finance questions for his friends, family, and audience. His strength is explaining things easily, so that anyone can understand tough financial concepts and has been regarded as one of the most trusted voices in the space. With over 5+ million followers across all platforms, you can find Humphrey consistently making content on Tik Tok, YouTube, and Instagram
"My friends would ask me finance questions all the time, so I made this channel so I could send them videos answering those questions. I love explaining things simply, and making it fun and easy. This channel is great for beginners and intermediates who are looking to build wealth, learn how to keep their wealth, and get better with personal finance, budgeting, and investing. I also focus a lot of self improvement and productivity, so if you're into that - I hope you stick around!"

Humphrey Yang

Former Financial Advisor

Recent Thoughts

Why You Need to Keep Investing No Matter What

In this infamous blog post on OfDollarsAndData - which is a great financial blog. Read more

How To Go From $0 to $100,000 in A Year

In this article I will show you how I would go from $0 to $100K this year.Read more

The #1 Wealth Killer Nobody Talks About…

One of the largest expenses that most people have SITS in plain sight, and no, its not your coffee habit...Read more